🌟🌟WASP free program for speech analysis
Provided by University College London. When an American speaks, their voice goes up and down in inflection/pitch. Use this resource to record yourself. Practice until you mirror the pitch/inflection of an American speaker.
🌟🌟ELSA Pronunciation Coach - Application of Android or Apple phones
ELSA - which stand for English Language Speech Assistant - is an APP free to download to help non-native English speakers learn the language based on their pronunciation.
Listen to Ted talks to hear outstanding American speakers and thinkers.
Watch all their free video lessons and use all basic membership features for free.
Use the top 100 speeches to listen to American speakers.
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最新评论 11
:我也是呀 我口语和听力并不是很好 之前在国内试了各种方法总觉得进步不大 现在在这边感觉好一点了 我也很担心 不过也是着急不来 就一点点继续来吧
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:哇开心开心 谢谢君君😘🥰🥰🥰
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