- 了解自己每月的开销,存满3到6个月的生活费。
- 可以存到利息相对于一般储蓄账户高一点但流动性低一些的货币市场账户(Money Market account)。
- 非紧急情况下不能使用。
- Breakdown of Savings存款分类表格: 记录和分类你的存款现状和目标。

Key Concept #1:Baby Step Three: Finish Your Emergency Fund
- Finish your emergency fund so you have a full three to six months of expenses in it.
- Don't Use This Money Unless it is ABSOLUTELY Necessary
- Keep the Fund "Liquid" .
*A Money Market account with no penalties and full checking writing privileges for your emergency fund.
*The interest earned is not the main thing. The main thing is that the money is available to cover emergencies. - The Less-"Secure" Spouse Wins.
- Use it for True Emergency.
- We use 3 to 6 months of expenses instead of income because the fund is to cover expenses, not replace income.
*Minimum in emergency fund: 3 times GROSS income at present PER MONTH *Maximum in emergency fund: 6 times GROSS income at present PER MONTH - Breakdown of Savings: Here, you can write down your savings goals for various expenses and update the balances as they grow.
- If you don't have a home yet, saving for a down payment or cash purchase of a home should occur after becoming debt-free in Step Two and after finishing the emergency fund in Step Three.


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