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发布了爆料 2星期前

$5.73 Hanes Women’s Signature Cotton Breathe Briefs Underwear Pack, 6-Pack

Hanes Women’s Signature Cotton Breathe Briefs Underwear Pack, 6-Pack


0 0 Amazon

发布了爆料 3星期前

$9.93 Eau Thermale Avène Cleanance ACNE Clearing Gel

Eau Thermale Avène Cleanance ACNE Clearing Gel


0 0 Amazon

发布了爆料 3星期前

$7.87 Neutrogena Fragrance Free Ultra Gentle Foaming Daily Cleanser

Neutrogena Fragrance Free Ultra Gentle Foaming Daily Cleanser


0 0 Amazon

发布了爆料 3星期前

$7.49 Differin Acne Face Wash with 5% Benzoyl Peroxide

Differin Acne Face Wash with 5% Benzoyl Peroxide


0 0 Amazon

发布了爆料 3星期前

$17.83 Amazon.com: Curel Japanese Skin Care Intensive Face Moisturizer Cream, Face Lotion for Dry to Very Dry Sensitive Skin, For Women and Men, Anti-Aging Fragrance-Free Anti-Wrinkle, 1.4 oz : Beauty & Pers

Amazon.com: Curel Japanese Skin Care Intensive Face Moisturizer Cream, Face Lotion for Dry to Very Dry Sensitive Skin, For Women and Men, Anti-Aging Fragrance-Free Anti-Wrinkle, 1.4 oz : Beauty & Pers


0 0 Amazon

发布了爆料 5月前

$10.91 Nature Made Extra Strength Burp Less Omega 3 Fish Oil 1400 mg Minis

Nature Made Extra Strength Burp Less Omega 3 Fish Oil 1400 mg Minis


0 0 Amazon

发布了爆料 5月前

 adidas Pacer 3-Stripes Woven 女款短裤 M码

[已过期]adidas Pacer 3-Stripes Woven 女款短裤 M码

0 2 Amazon

发布了爆料 5月前

$10.5 CeraVe Skin Renewing Eye Cream For Wrinkles

CeraVe Skin Renewing Eye Cream For Wrinkles


0 0 Amazon

发布了爆料 5月前

$11.4 CeraVe Anti Aging Retinol Serum

CeraVe Anti Aging Retinol Serum


0 0 Amazon

发布了爆料 5月前

$11 CeraVe Retinol Serum for Post-Acne Marks and Skin Texture

CeraVe Retinol Serum for Post-Acne Marks and Skin Texture


0 0 Amazon

发布了爆料 5月前

$11.99 Bentgo® Classic - Adult Bento Box, All-in-One Stackable Lunch Box Container with 3 Compartments, Plastic Utensils, and Nylon Sealing Strap, BPA Free Food Container

Bentgo® Classic - Adult Bento Box, All-in-One Stackable Lunch Box Container with 3 Compartments, Plastic Utensils, and Nylon Sealing Strap, BPA Free Food Container


0 0 Amazon

发布了爆料 5月前

$13.03 Quaker Instant Oatmeal, Original, Individual Packets, 0.98 Ounce , 48 Count

Quaker Instant Oatmeal, Original, Individual Packets, 0.98 Ounce , 48 Count


0 0 Amazon

发布了爆料 5月前

$18.99 Amazon.com: Bedsure Comforter Duvet Insert - Quilted Comforters Queen Size, All Season Duvet, Down Alternative Bedding Comforter with Corner Tabs

Amazon.com: Bedsure Comforter Duvet Insert - Quilted Comforters Queen Size, All Season Duvet, Down Alternative Bedding Comforter with Corner Tabs


0 0 Amazon

发布了爆料 5月前

$6.99 Amazon.com: Differin Acne Face Wash with 5% Benzoyl Peroxide, Daily Deep Cleanser by the makers of Differin Gel, Gentle Skin Care for Acne Prone Sensitive Skin, 4 oz

Amazon.com: Differin Acne Face Wash with 5% Benzoyl Peroxide, Daily Deep Cleanser by the makers of Differin Gel, Gentle Skin Care for Acne Prone Sensitive Skin, 4 oz


0 0 Amazon

发布了爆料 5月前

$7.19 Amazon.com: Chef Knife, Ultra Sharp High Carbon Stainless Steel Chef knife set, 3-pc, 8 inch Chefs knife, 4.5 inch Utility Knife, 4 inch Paring Knife: Home & Kitchen

Amazon.com: Chef Knife, Ultra Sharp High Carbon Stainless Steel Chef knife set, 3-pc, 8 inch Chefs knife, 4.5 inch Utility Knife, 4 inch Paring Knife: Home & Kitchen


0 0 Amazon

发布了爆料 6月前

$4.99 Amazon.com: Kleenex Trusted Care Facial Tissues, 3 Flat Boxes, 160 Tissues per Box, 2-Ply (480 Total Tissues)

Amazon.com: Kleenex Trusted Care Facial Tissues, 3 Flat Boxes, 160 Tissues per Box, 2-Ply (480 Total Tissues)


0 0 Amazon

发布了爆料 8月前

$18.82 Amazon.com: Always Infinity Feminine Pads For Women, Size 2 Heavy Flow Absorbency, Multipack, With Flexfoam, With Wings, Unscented, 32 Count x 3 Packs (96 Count total) : Health & Household

Amazon.com: Always Infinity Feminine Pads For Women, Size 2 Heavy Flow Absorbency, Multipack, With Flexfoam, With Wings, Unscented, 32 Count x 3 Packs (96 Count total) : Health & Household


0 0 Amazon

发布了爆料 9月前

$7.99 Amazon.com: Differin Acne Face Wash with 5% Benzoyl Peroxide

Amazon.com: Differin Acne Face Wash with 5% Benzoyl Peroxide


0 0 Amazon

发布了爆料 9月前

$49.1 Amazon.com | PUMA Women’s CARINA L Sneaker

Amazon.com | PUMA Women’s CARINA L Sneaker


0 0 Amazon

发布了爆料 9月前

 Hanes 女士纯棉内裤 6条装

[已过期]Hanes 女士纯棉内裤 6条装

1 5 Amazon

发布了笔记 9月前


眨眼间君君已经15岁啦,生日快乐! 我们一起许个愿:组团变锦鲤,诸事大吉! @Jd想要薅羊毛、@底波拉的诗与歌、@芋泥羊角包 一起点亮周年庆蜡烛,我们都是好运连连的锦鲤本鲤!


发布了爆料 1年前

$2.99 Twinings Earl Grey Tea, Tea Bags, 20 ct

Twinings Earl Grey Tea, Tea Bags, 20 ct


0 0 Amazon

发布了笔记 1年前


好久没薅express家的羊毛了。他家注册账户的话还挺经常给5刀或者10刀的cash的。以前一般就随便挑个10刀top拿个免费衣服。唯一的问题是他家一般满75免邮。以前的情况是加购物车后一两天会发免邮码。不过好久没试了。 这次是10刀的生日礼,选了这个他家评价很好的bra cami,不知道为啥这次可以自动免邮,总之看在评价很高的份上12刀的衣服自己补了两刀~


发布了爆料 1年前

 Amazon 买4件返5刀

Amazon 买4件返5刀

0 0 Amazon

发布了爆料 1年前

 Amazon Cetaphil, Differin 订阅享8折

Amazon Cetaphil, Differin 订阅享8折

0 0 Amazon

发布了爆料 1年前

$6.45 NYX 六色遮瑕盘

NYX 六色遮瑕盘


0 0 Amazon

发布了爆料 1年前

$9.12 NYX遮瑕盘



0 0 Amazon

发布了爆料 1年前

$6.83 L’Oréal Paris Studio Secrets Magic BB Cream, Light, 1 Fluid Ounce

L’Oréal Paris Studio Secrets Magic BB Cream, Light, 1 Fluid Ounce


0 0 Amazon

发布了爆料 1年前

$3.2 Maybelline New York Fit Me Liquid Concealer Makeup

Maybelline New York Fit Me Liquid Concealer Makeup


0 0 Amazon

发布了爆料 1年前

$4.55 Maybelline Instant Age Rewind Eraser Dark Circles Treatment Multi-Use Concealer, 110

Maybelline Instant Age Rewind Eraser Dark Circles Treatment Multi-Use Concealer, 110


0 0 Amazon

发布了爆料 1年前

$2.4 NYX定妆喷雾



0 0 Amazon

发布了爆料 1年前

 Amazon 指定护肤品满30返10刀credit

Amazon 指定护肤品满30返10刀credit

0 0 Amazon

发布了爆料 1年前

 Kauai Coffee 香草澳洲坚果口味咖啡粉 10oz

[已过期]Kauai Coffee 香草澳洲坚果口味咖啡粉 10oz

0 0 Amazon

发布了笔记 1年前


之前一直用科颜氏家的安白瓶(也不知道有没有美白淡斑效果,但是很保湿,就当保湿精华用+可能能淡斑的心理安慰)。今年看到镭射精华的优惠帖想着换一个试试。这个30mlx2的双瓶装感觉也比较适合尝鲜~ 这个帖子的优惠也是很迷了,早上起来看到有满125刀送镭射精华的优惠还有点动摇要不要凑单(虽然大概率不凑),过了一小时送礼直接换了哈哈(省去纠结的步骤了),那就痛痛快快下单好了,只买想买的,反正其他普通的赠品也经常忘记用…… 希望好用!


发布了笔记 1年前


Madewell之前没买过这次尝试一下(看到免运费+免费退货就很安心~)好像也是网一折扣有升级?多了一些四折商品。 这件衬衫就是四折,不过也是非常命途多舛了。周日下午一开始想下单,犹豫了几个小时,没货了……然后晚上发现又有货了,注册了个账户,想问问有没有生日礼(后来问到他家填生日的时间要求还挺严格的,要前一个月的24号之前登记才行)就想第二天早上再下单。周一早上:又没货了,得,省钱。不死心地又刷了几次,周一晚上又有货了……emmm其实也没有非常想买,但是觉得都这样了买回来试一下吧!毕竟是比较百搭的款式,除了担心有点薄看着还不错。另外凑了背心和T恤再用下满75减15的优惠,总之还是下单了!


发布了笔记 1年前


那天本来都要睡了,瞄了眼手机看到亚米的3折起的折扣推送,一时冲动又爬起来凑了一小时单(不愧是你烧钱快报) 一般的商品折扣好像一般,就在3折和5折区大概选了选。用上了之前在君君这里抽奖抽到的20刀礼卡(这部分好像要求亚米自营,又额外凑了一会儿……),外加之前在商城兑换的21刀礼卡,美滋滋结账! 虽然原价120刀属实是有点夸张……收到包裹其实也没有很多东西?不过总之实付30刀就不错了嗷~ 希望下次还能中奖[狗头]


发布了笔记 1年前


前段时间看到不少小海鸥的帖子,有点种草,想要尝试一下。黑五看到全场六折一直蠢蠢欲动,但不知道网一会不会折扣更好,所以等了等。到周日看到部分商品额外八折,就下手了! 这里夸一下客服!10%学生优惠验证不了,新人优惠也说不能和已有折扣叠加,就去找了客服。客服说下单后帮我调成20% off,后来又说把新人优惠也加上。总之不知道怎么搞的150的单子最后调成了100刀!感觉很快乐哈哈!希望尺码合适可以不用退货,虽然已经做好了7刀退一下的准备_(:_」∠)_


发布了爆料 1年前

$13.6 MISTINE Hydrating Sunscreen Lotion for Face 2 fl.oz SPF 50+ for Sensitive Skin

MISTINE Hydrating Sunscreen Lotion for Face 2 fl.oz SPF 50+ for Sensitive Skin


0 0 Amazon

发布了爆料 1年前

$29.99 Oral-B Pro 1000 Rechargeable Electric Toothbrush, White

Oral-B Pro 1000 Rechargeable Electric Toothbrush, White


0 0 Amazon

发布了爆料 1年前

$5.94 Blue Diamond Almonds Snack Nut 3口味24包混合装

Blue Diamond Almonds Snack Nut 3口味24包混合装


0 0 Amazon

发布了爆料 1年前

 Beautified You 75折,折扣码SAVE25INT或者HALLOWEEN25

Beautified You 75折,折扣码SAVE25INT或者HALLOWEEN25

0 0 BeautifiedYou.com

发布了爆料 1年前



0 0 Kiehl's

发布了爆料 1年前

$25.6 EltaMD Foaming Facial Cleanser 洗面奶

EltaMD Foaming Facial Cleanser 洗面奶


0 0 Amazon

发布了爆料 1年前

$9.59 Mkeke 钢化膜3片装

Mkeke 钢化膜3片装


0 0 Amazon

发布了爆料 1年前

$22.78 SENSARTE Nonstick Deep Frying Pan,9.5/12 Inch Non Stick Saute Pan with Lid

SENSARTE Nonstick Deep Frying Pan,9.5/12 Inch Non Stick Saute Pan with Lid


0 0 Amazon

发布了爆料 1年前

$38.99 SHINEURI 12 Inch Copper Wok Pan and Stir Fry Pan with Lid

SHINEURI 12 Inch Copper Wok Pan and Stir Fry Pan with Lid


0 0 Amazon

发布了爆料 1年前

$10.49 笔记本



0 0 Amazon

发布了爆料 1年前

$15.99 wirarpa 女士棉内裤4条装

wirarpa 女士棉内裤4条装


0 0 Amazon

发布了爆料 1年前

$19.45 QUAKER Instant Oatmeal, 3 Flavor Variety Pack, Individual Packets, 32 Count

QUAKER Instant Oatmeal, 3 Flavor Variety Pack, Individual Packets, 32 Count


0 0 Amazon

发布了爆料 1年前

$15.1 Quaker Instant Oatmeal, Original, Individual Packets, 0.98 Ounce , 48 Count

Quaker Instant Oatmeal, Original, Individual Packets, 0.98 Ounce , 48 Count


0 0 Amazon
