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🔥 Costco 过敏季限时促销!鼻喷剂、鼻贴、过敏药统统有折扣,囤货正当时!🔥
春暖花开,万物复苏。花粉、尘螨、过敏原无处不在,鼻塞、打喷嚏、流鼻涕接踵而来……对于花粉过敏患者来说,这也是一年一度的“抗敏大战”开始的时刻。Costco 现正推出 花粉过敏药物限时折扣,帮你轻松度过过敏季! ⸻ ⸻ ⸻ 💊 过敏缓解鼻喷剂:精准抗敏,全天舒畅! ✅ Flonase Sensimist(蓝白款) – 超细雾化喷雾,比传统 Flonase 更柔和,适合对鼻喷剂敏感的人。 💰 $52.99 - $11 = $41.99 ✅ Flonase Allergy Relief(绿白款) – 经典款,强效抗炎,缓解鼻塞、流鼻涕、打喷嚏。 💰 $49.99 - $11= $38.99 ✅ Nasacort Allergy Spray – 长效缓解鼻塞,减少过敏反应。 💰 $36.99 - $9 = $27.99 ✅ Arm & Hammer Simply Saline Nasal Mist – 温和生理盐水喷雾,清洁鼻腔,缓解过敏原刺激。 💰 $13.99 - $3= $10.99 ⸻ ⸻ ⸻ 💤 Breathe Right 鼻贴:瞬间通畅,睡眠无忧! 💰 $19.99 - $4 = $15.99 ✅ 透明款(绿) – 温和透气,适合敏感肌肤,日常佩戴不显眼。 ✅ 棕色款(橙) – 黏附力更强,适合夜间缓解鼻塞、打鼾,提升睡眠质量。 ⸻ ⸻ ⸻ 💊 过敏药大比拼:速溶片 vs. 标准片,哪款更适合你? ✅ Claritin RediTabs(速溶片) – 非嗜睡,入口即化,无需水服,适合 6 岁以上儿童及不喜欢吞药片的成人,旅行外出更方便。 💰 $30.99 - $7 = $23.99 ✅ Claritin 24HR(标准片) – 非嗜睡,传统口服片,性价比更高,适合日常长期服用。 💰 $38.79 - $8.5 = $30.29 ✅ Xyzal Allergy 24HR – 可能导致嗜睡,强效抗过敏,适合严重过敏患者,建议晚上服用。 💰 $37.99 - $9 = $28.99 ✅ Allegra Allergy 180mg 24HR – 非嗜睡,长效抗过敏,适合白天服用,不影响工作学习。 💰 $38.49 - $9 = $29.49 ✅ Zyrtec Allergy – 可能轻微嗜睡,24 小时长效抗过敏,缓解打喷嚏、流鼻涕、眼痒,部分人适合晚上服用。 💰 $39.99 - $8 = $31.99 ✅ Children’s Zyrtec Chewable(儿童咀嚼片) – 可能轻微嗜睡,儿童专用抗过敏咀嚼片,方便服用。 💰 $36.99 - $8 = $28.99 ✅ Children’s Benadryl(儿童液体版) – 容易嗜睡,适合 6 岁以上儿童,缓解过敏症状,建议睡前服用。 💰 $14.99 - $4 = $10.99 ✅ Pataday Once Daily Extra Strength Eye Relief – 强效眼药水,缓解过敏性眼痒、红肿。 💰 $35.99 - $7 = $28.99 ⸻ ⸻ ⸻ 不管是白天通勤、户外运动,还是夜晚睡眠,都有适合你的抗敏产品!让鼻腔清爽一整天,远离过敏烦恼!

发布了笔记 1星期前
跟风下单 | 一整个螃蟹盛宴🦀
这单完全是跟着妹妹下的,看到她买,我也跟着剁手了。主题很统一——螃蟹风味+小零食,感觉买完就能沉浸式吃一顿蟹黄大餐了。 ✅ 茶颜悦色 桃巧儿蜜桃味巧克力威化饼干(5包装) – 没吃过,最近总看到各种茶颜悦色出的零食,跟着妹妹一起尝试一下。 ✅ 掌面侠 蟹黄干捞粉 ×5 – 速食干捞粉,蟹黄味+Q弹粉条,听着很吸引人。 ✅ 不等 蟹黄酱 乔黄油拌面拌饭酱 – 这个说是用6只大闸蟹做的,蟹粉比例更高,专门用来拌饭、拌面,期待尝尝鲜,一罐要20🔪! ✅ 不等 蟹黄鲜酱×2 – 这个是0防腐剂、0蛋黄的版本,适合直接吃或者当蘸料,不确定和之前那款味道差别在哪儿,跟着吃货妹妹买应该差不到哪儿去。 这单是 完全盲买,螃蟹系列的调味品从来没有尝试过,茶颜悦色的零食包装也好看,不知道味道如何,等吃完再来反馈!

发布了笔记 1星期前
亚米大促 | 四折六折区也没忍住,又剁了一单!
3折5折区的物品刚下完单完,结果又被4折6折区的折扣吸引,手滑了另一单。这单主要是一些 洗护、护肤 和 调味料,有的是一直想试的,也有的是看到折扣实在不错就囤了! ✅ OMI近江兄弟Verdio蒿绿草本防晒 SPF50+ – 这款是草本防晒,听着更温和。 ✅ MISE EN SCENE 美妆仙洗发水(3款) • 红瓶滋润修复款:适合受损发质,主打改善毛躁和分叉。 • 紫瓶丰盈防脱款:专门针对细软发质,号称能让发根更蓬松,最近掉发有点多,希望能拯救一下我的发量。 • 蓝瓶头皮清洁款(海盐+BHA):控油净化,女儿头皮容易出油,正好用来深层清洁。 ✅ JMELLA 皇后5号香氛身体乳 – 很多博主推荐,淡淡的高级香味,看着价格好入的。 ✅ LION狮王 CLEAR MAX粒子美白牙膏(薄荷) – 狮王的牙膏小姐妹一直说好用,趁着折扣来尝试一下下。 ✅ JM SOLUTION 肌司研面膜(3款) • 羊毛脂胎盘素补水面膜(黑色款):急救补水,换季很适合。 • 虾青素弹润抗老面膜(黑色款):主打抗氧化,提升肌肤弹性,第一次用这款,期待效果。 • 水荆沁润双仓玻尿酸面膜(蓝色款):保湿补水,之前用过类似的玻尿酸面膜,补水效果好。 ✅ OOTD 胶原蛋白至尊面膜(10片装) – 保湿紧致型,感觉适合干皮或者熬夜之后用。 ✅ OOTD CICA积雪草舒缓面膜(10片装) – 镇静舒缓,夏天晒后修复应该挺适合。 ✅ 仁和闪亮 普罗旺斯薰衣草蒸汽眼罩 – 蒸汽眼罩一直是必备款,也很喜欢薰衣草香味。 ✅ 鑫阳 天水麻辣烫调料包 – 这次调料品也有折扣,看到麻辣烫调料也在折扣区,,买了一包给爱吃辣的侄女尝一尝。 这单虽然折扣没有3折5折那么夸张,但整体价格还是挺划算的,总价依旧没到60🔪,性价比很不错!

发布了笔记 1星期前
🔥 亚米3折5折大促 | 超值战利品开箱!这次囤了什么?
上次的 亚米大促,折扣真的 太香了! 3折区 & 5折区疯狂捡漏,一些是日常囤货,还有一些完全是被折扣诱惑手滑了……一起看看这次剁手了什么! 📌 3折区(70% OFF)超值好物 ✅ MIXSOON 积雪草面膜 – 补水修护太香了,直接囤! ✅ GIK 玻尿酸补水面膜(10片装) – 干皮姐妹必备! ✅ 日本GHONEY安蒂花子卸妆膏(樱花限定) – 第一次买! 颜值太高了,期待使用感! 📌 5折区(50% OFF)值得囤 ✅ 日清出前一丁泡面(味噌猪骨味)x5 – 孩子们喜欢的口味之一,四月就过期? 没关系,家里人多,速速消灭! ✅ AMORTALS 洗脸扑3枚装 – 听说洗脸更干净更舒服,试试看! ✅ 近江兄弟小熊防晒 SPF50+ – 口碑不错,第一次入手! ✅ 仁和 小花茉莉蒸汽热敷眼罩 – 无限回购款! 敲击推荐,缓解眼睛疲劳 一绝! ✅ ORA2 美白牙膏(柑橘味) – 期待刷完牙自带柑橘香气~ ✅ 暖纯脚底暖贴 & 艾草肩颈贴 – 给妈妈囤的,发热持久,冬天货腰酸背疼必备! ✅ C咖 山茶花凝珠补水面膜 & 水杨酸焕肤面膜 – 收毛孔+补水,闭眼入手! ✅ JM SOLUTION 黄金米面膜 – 补水锁水超棒!保质期到 2027,这个价格必须囤! ✅ 连咖啡 速溶咖啡(羽衣甘蓝牛油果味 & 葡萄籽味) – 专门给敢尝鲜的弟弟买的😂 ✅ 杏林优选 西瓜乌龙茶(10袋) – 某音爆款!西瓜+乌龙的味道,好奇ing... 📌限时抢购区 盒马辣辣辣辣面(5连包) – 买给队友小侄女的,超能吃辣!结果一吃辣到飙泪,还直夸yummy! 💰 总价不到$60! 这次折扣真的超级划算,能抢到就是省钱!

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Amazon.com: Snow White and Other Grimms' Fairy Tales (MinaLima Edition): Illustrated with Interactive Elements: 9780063208247: Grimm, Jacob and Wilhelm: Books
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Amazon.com: The Jungle Book (MinaLima Edition) (Illustrated with Interactive Elements): 9780062389503: Kipling, Rudyard, MinaLima: Books
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Amazon.com: Beauty and the Beast, The (MinaLima Edition): (Illustrated with Interactive Elements): 9780062456212: Villenueve, Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de: Books
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Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Harry Potter, Book 2) (MinaLima Edition) (Interactive Illustrated Edition) (2): Rowling, J. K., Minalima: 9781338716535: Amazon.com: Books
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Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Harry Potter, Book 3) (MinaLima Edition) (Interactive Illustrated Edition): Rowling, J. K., Minalima Design: 9781338815283: Amazon.com: Books
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Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Harry Potter, Book 1) (MinaLima Edition) (Interactive Illustrated Edition) (1): Rowling, J. K., Minalima: 9781338596700: Amazon.com: Books
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Bet You Didn't Know: Fascinating, Far-out, Fun-tastic Facts!: National Geographic Kids: 9781426328374: Amazon.com: Books
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National Geographic Little Kids First Big Book of Bugs (National Geographic Little Kids First Big Books): Hughes, Catherine D.: 9781426317231: Amazon.com: Books
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Amazon.com: NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC Mega Gemstone Dig Kit – Dig Up 15 Real Gemstones and Crystals, Science Kit for Kids, Gem Digging Kit, Gift for Girls and Boys, Mining Kit, Rock Collection : Toys & Game
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Weird But True! World 2024: National Geographic Kids: 9781426374531: Amazon.com: Books
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That's Fact-tastic!: Mind-blowing, Eye-popping, Jaw-dropping Stuff About Our World (Bet You Didn't Know): National Geographic: 9781426372254: Amazon.com: Books
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The Fascinating Space Book for Kids: 500 Far-Out Facts! (Fascinating Facts): Reichley, Lisa: 9781648768866: Amazon.com: Books
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Amazon.com: NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC Rock Collection Box for Kids – 300 Piece Gemstones and Crystals Set Includes Geodes and Real Fossils, Rocks and Minerals Science Kit for Kids, A Geology Gift for Boys a
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National Geographic Kids Space Encyclopedia, 2nd Edition: A Tour of Our Solar System and Beyond: Kids, National Geographic: 9781426338564: Amazon.com: Books
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The Coolest Stuff on Earth: A Closer Look at the Weird, Wild, and Wonderful (National Geographic Kids): Kids, National Geographic: 9781426338588: Amazon.com: Books
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Amazon.com: Dr. Seuss's Ultimate Beginning Reader Boxed Set Collection: Includes 16 Beginner Books and Bright & Early Books: 9780593646595: Dr. Seuss: Books
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National Geographic Little Kids First Big Book of Space (National Geographic Little Kids First Big Books): Hughes, Catherine D.: 9781426310140: Amazon.com: Books
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5,000 Awesome Facts (About Everything!): Updated and Expanded!: Kids, National Geographic: 9781426376139: Amazon.com: Books
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The Fascinating Science Book for Kids: 500 Amazing Facts! (Fascinating Facts): Kurtz MA, Kevin: 9781647398705: Amazon.com: Books
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National Geographic Kids Almanac 2025: Kids, National Geographic: 9781426376023: Amazon.com: Books
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National Geographic Little Kids First Big Book of Dinosaurs (National Geographic Little Kids First Big Books): Hughes, Catherine D.: 9781426308468: Amazon.com: Books
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The Fascinating Ocean Book for Kids: 500 Incredible Facts! (Fascinating Facts): Hestermann, Bethanie, Hestermann, Josh: 9781648768842: Amazon.com: Books
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The Fascinating Animal Book for Kids: 500 Wild Facts! (Fascinating Facts): Clarke, Ginjer: 9781638788287: Amazon.com: Books
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National Geographic Kids Animal Encyclopedia, 2nd Edition: 2,500 Animals with Photos, Maps, and More!: National Geographic: 9781426372308: Amazon.com: Books
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Amazon.com: National Geographic Kids Why?: Over 1,111 Answers to Everything: 9781426320965: Boyer, Crispin: Books
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Amazon.com: HAUKINIX Shower Timer Waterproof Bathroom Timer Toilet Timer Digital Kitchen Timer for Wall Mount, Study Timer w/Foldable Stand, Countdown Timer Stopwatch w/Suction Cup for Swim, Rechargea
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Macy's Jade (19mm) & Diamond Accent Heart 18" Pendant Necklace in 10k Gold - Macy's
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Macy's 2-Pc. Set Amethyst (3-1/2 ct. t.w.) & Diamond (1/20 ct. t.w.) Pendant Necklace & Matching Stud Earrings in 14k Rose Gold-Plated Sterling Silver - Macy's
发布了爆料 2星期前

Macy's 3-Pc. Set Garnet: (4 ct. t.w.) & Lab-Grown White Sapphire (3/4 ct. t.w.)Amethyst (3-1/3 ct. t.w.) Heart Pendant Necklace, Ring, & Stud Earrings in Sterling Silver (Also in Additional Gemstones)
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COACH Signature C Bangle Bracelet - Macy's
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Macy's Diamond Halo Stud Earrings (1/4 ct. t.w.) in 10k Gold - Macy's
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EFFY Collection EFFY® Sapphire (3/4 ct. t.w.) & Diamond Accent Small Hoop Earrings in 14k Gold-Plated Sterling Silver, 0.81" (Also available in Ruby and Emerald) - Macy's
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Kipling Defea Mini Crossbody Bag - Macy's
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Michael Kors Bex Medium Backpack - Macy's
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Michael Kors Jet Set Large East West Crossbody - Macy's
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Kipling Gabbie Small Shoulder Crossbody Bag - Macy's
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Michael Kors Scarlett Extra Small East West Crossbody Bag - Macy's
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Michael Kors Delancey Medium Chain Messenger - Macy's
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Michael Kors Jet Set Small Top Zip Pochette Crossbody - Macy's
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Michael Kors Tribeca Large Convertible Chain Shoulder Bag - Macy's
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KARL LAGERFELD PARIS Simone Small Leather Heart Pins Crossbody - Macy's
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Mac Duggal Crocodile Leather Buckle Detail Medium Tote Bag - Macy's
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Bloomingdale's Fine Collection Love Knot Stud Earrings in 14K Yellow Gold - Exclusive | Bloomingdale's
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Bloomingdale's Fine Collection 14K Yellow Gold Royal Chain Love Knot Stud Earrings - Exclusive | Bloomingdale's
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Bloomingdale's Fine Collection Sterling Silver and Cultured Freshwater Pearl Threader Earrings, 9mm - Exclusive | Bloomingdale's
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Bloomingdale's Fine Collection 14K Yellow Gold Ball Stud Earrings - Exclusive | Bloomingdale's